Reading children's picture books aloud
Sharing readings at all ages
Accompanying and training people to read aloud

Lis avec moi - France ("Read With Me")
An action of The North Safeguarding Association

Since 1988, our team of professional readers has been traveling mainly in Le Nord and Le Pas-de-Calais, two French departments in the Hauts-de-France region in order to read aloud to toddlers and their parents, as well as children, teenagers and adults.

A rich experience with many encounters with people and books.

Unique, outstanding and lively encounters.


Cécile Boulaire conference – Roubaix – 1 June 2023

Cécile Boulaire, senior lecturer at the University of Tours, invites us to reflect on “What literature for the very young? In partnership with the Médiathèque de Roubaix La Grand Plage, as part of the 30th anniversary of its early childhood mission. Meet up on Thursday 1 June from 9.30am to 12pm in Roubaix, in the auditorium of the Archives nationales du monde du travail. Registration essential.

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Comité lecture Lille juin 2022

The spring 2023 reading committees

We invite you to our next reading committees. The partner media libraries welcome us for critical presentations of new picture books for young and old.
Looking forward to seeing you there!

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Read With Me,
a cultural and social project

Every year

9 800




more than 200

Reading projects

more than 100

Municipalities involved

« Reading, what for?
Simply to dream, to think, to understand,
to get out of oneself, from one’s home, to go very far, or very close.
It helps to find one’s way, other ways,
also to invent and to remember.
It helps to breathe, to be less afraid.
It also helps to laugh, and to cry.
It helps to live. »

Isabelle Stella
(formerly Sagnet)

Director of Read With Me

Our commitment

Fighting against illiteracy
Fight cultural and social inequalities
Contribute to artistic and cultural awakening and education

Our readings are aimed primarily at people who are “vulnerable” or “far” from books and writing, in multiple places, with the commitment of multiple partners. We favour individual or small group readings.

We know it’s important:

  • To give children and adults access to stories, to the imagination, to the richness of the language of the story, to the poetic and literary language,
  • To help them build themselves through books, to put words to their emotions, to represent the world,
  • To offer books chosen for their aesthetic, narrative and literary qualities, adjusting to the tastes, rhythms and choices of each,
  • To support parenthood and the child-parent relationship.

Our actions

Promoting encounters with the richness of picture books is at the heart of our actions.
The quality of shared readings is based on partnerships, coordination meetings, encounters, training, times for reflection and discussion, reading committees, conferences, publications, etc.

Our trainings

Transmitting a process of reading quality picture books is at the heart of our training.
In initiation and in depth, these training courses are based on our experiences in the field. They are led by our reader-trainers and by associated external trainers.


Brochures, leaflets, films, newspapers, articles, videos
Public policies, institutions and associations, training in children’s literature, university research
Books, collections, magazines, blogs, films, selections of children’s books…

Salaried reader, our job

Professional reader, quite a story!

Words from salaried readers

Marie-Françoise Ten

« When we are told “You only read!…”, well yes! But not only…
First of all, we try and convince the most distant, the most reluctant, those who have never seen a particular interest in reading.
This job aims above all to arouse the desire to go there, to read, to open and sometimes even just to touch a book. »

Giovanna Postuma

« To be a reader is to practice a profession that has proven itself by all the beneficial effects on all people, from toddlers to adults.
It is to enhance their skills.
It is to pass on stories and share a common culture.
It means creating and carrying out innovative and varied projects. »


In addition to its salaried professional activity, Read With Me runs a network of volunteer readers in two French departments, Le Nord and Le Pas-de-Calais.

Want to meet us, to find out more?

Read With Me is a founding member of the When books connect Agency [Agence quand les livres relient]
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