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Salaried readers

A regional influence

Today, Read With Me is a team of professionals located throughout the Nord and Pas-de-Calais departments, as well as in the north of the Somme and Aisne departments.



+ de 100

Municipalities involved

+ de 200

Organised reading projects

A committed and passionate team

To run reading sessions, organise training, develop and coordinate projects, develop partnerships and propose all the actions around shared reading and picture books.

Portraits: blue background by Barbara Grossmann – others by Read With Me

They were part of the professional team of Read With Me

  • Those who left for the other side, and their voices still ring in our ears:
    Yann Bottin, Daniel Fatous, Monique Langlois, Laurette Laversin, Annie Roger, Suzanne « Zoun » Vernier.
  • Those who continued on their way elsewhere:
    Danielle Auclert, Claudie Baker, Théo Battesti, Inès Bildstein, Agnès Busch, Cédric Carré, Esyld Carval-Colas, Garance Cutillas, Bertrand Dazin, Antoine De Gandt, Valérie Dib, Laurence Dupriez, Marie-Odile Delcambre, Elisabeth Dubois, Claudie Dufour, Françoise Geeraert, Alice Gouraud, Sophie Hage, Blandine Kolman, Antoinette Le Marois, Anne Leviel, Catherine Martinache, Marie-France Painset, Zaïa Rahni, Aymée Roubinowitz, Maryvonne Royez, Rafaële Rudent, Olivier Spilmont, Annie Sylvestre, Francine Venière, Pascale Villette, Ségolène Yecke-Lombi.

Thanks to these fellow travelers.

Reader, an original profession in its own right

Coming from very different backgrounds, our salaried readers have in common a love of books, working with children, adolescents and adults, and meeting families.

A hybrid and atypical profession, which has been invented over time.

A reader goes to meet people. Constantly on the road to all audiences, even in atypical places such as PMI (Mother and Child Protection center) or charitable places, in order to share stories, readings, feeling supported by the experience and the strength of children’s literature.

We are mediators, story passers.
We use the book, mainly the picture book, without animation around it. We don’t do shows; we want to share with others something ordinary and extraordinary at the same time.

We like to read stories. We are committed to passing on this pleasure and desire to read to others, in all possible places, without injunctions, such as “you must read…”.

Being a reader at Read With Me means to...

Read aloud
Have a pleasant voice, read in a fluid, intelligible and sensitive way, and enjoy oral transmission in the service of a work. A reader is above all a voice, a body, a look. Each reading engages him, questions him and invites him to dare to propose without imposing, in a right presence to the other.

Reading aloud is not reciting, it is immersing oneself in the text of an author or an author, to make it accurate in its rhythm, its musicality, its sensoriality, at the service of the meaning and intended for a person. And each reading renews this encounter.
Know how to adapt
Adapting means combining rigor and lightness.
Rigor, to be professional and respect ethics and the fundamental principles of action.
Lightness, to dare to expose yourself through reading and adjust, confident, to each situation.

Knowing how to deal with the unexpected and constantly renewing oneself requires flexibility. That's also the charm of this job because otherwise it would be routine!
Have a sense of social
Having a sense of the social means loving going out to meet people, from human to human, without preconceived ideas, in particular towards those who need it most; it's building and nurturing sociable bonds, cultivating non-judgment and respecting confidentiality.

Each person has their resources, their cultural richness, built of stories, songs, music, languages, and their own history with books. But what is certain is that all humans need stories, and this is how the meeting is made.
Cultivate a taste for reading and know children's literature
Knowledge of picture books is built by reading, reading again and analyzing picture books, especially on the text-image relationship. It is sharpened by experience, exchanges and training. This work of literary and artistic monitoring is necessary to continue to renew oneself, not to get tired of the books that we have read and reread - even if the classics still have their place! - and thus offer a variety of picture book selections.

The quality of the selected picture books is decisive. It is the opposite of elitism and self-segregation. It is about cultural rights: the right to have access to a rich cultural heritage that is not always widely known.
Be nomadic and work independently
Readers often work alone, while being able to count on the collective of the team and the network of partners.

Very often on the move, they show flexibility in their schedules, while constantly transporting their picture books... as if they were grafted to them!
Work in partnership
Developing a network of partners in a territory takes time and energy. This is fundamental to support the effectiveness and sustainability of actions, to create relays, to nurture a territorial dynamic.

Living in a territory or at least knowing it well is an asset. Crossing paths with people, meeting people, forging ties, seeing what is being done, all this work is as important as reading.

A reader does not have to stay in one place. Its primary objective is transmission and handing over. The library, the structures of the city or the agglomeration will be able to support families in remaining readers for themselves and their children.
Train oneself and question oneself constantly
Being a passer of stories is a professional activity that is both simple and complex that requires continuous training, alone, in a team, in the field, in internships, by following what is done and reflected elsewhere.

Reading is not just reading. It also means questioning the quality of the book, the practice and work of reading aloud, the approach to audiences, whether babies, children or adults. All of this requires thought. As there is no initial training on this, we build the training courses according to our needs.
Observe and reflect on one's observations
Writing observations on reading situations helps to deepen practices and evaluation reports.

Non-judgmental observations with as little interpretation as possible. However, it is always a subjective observation, which highlights the feeling. Observing as "accurately" as possible is as if there were a painting unfolding in front of you but in which you are a stakeholder.
Cross perspectives and experiences with different audiences
Read picture books for all ages, from the youngest to the oldest, with people in various life situations, in various territories. This offers a great wealth of experience and fosters the transversality and responsiveness of the profession.

Between, for example, a reception center for asylum seekers with parent-child workshops and homes in the privacy of families, readings in the streets of neighborhoods with adolescents, readings in homes for the elderly and Maternal and Child Protection centers where families come for something other than reading, a reader's reading practice is constantly enriched by the contributions of different places, audiences and atmospheres.
Have at heart to transmit the richness of the readings
We check every day how much children love stories and are enthusiastic about books, and how much reading encounters affect young and old. We develop training and support for professionals, volunteer readers and parents.

We are passers of stories. It is in the eyes of those who listen to us that we become aware of the multiple contributions of stories. And that's what we want to convey to parents: the importance of sharing stories about the awakening of their children, if we take the time to do it regularly.

In the end, it's still a very special job...
Yes, we don't just read!

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