A pioneering action
Juliette Campagne,
founder of Read With Me
“Read With Me, sweet imperative as I often say.
It is not: Read With Me! It is: Read With Me…
And I think it’s pretty, a nice find. »
Juliette Campagne created Read With Me within North Safeguarding Association and directed it until 2011. Retired since then, she has lost none of her enthusiasm for shared readings. She is still a volunteer reader at Read with me.
She has always been a devourer of books, and is keen to share books from an early age and to involve parents. Driven by the idea that “culture helps us to breathe“, she has managed to anchor the values of Read with me and the profession of professional reader over time.
Driven by the pleasure of writing and the importance of witnessing the beneficial effects of shared reading, Juliette has contributed to several articles and publications for Read with me for the Agency when books bind and for the journal Spirale [Spiral] – Baby’s big adventure, edited by the French publisher Érès.
Readings everywhere, for the little ones, the older ones and the even older ones!
Initially centered on early childhood, the places of intervention have diversified, broadening the ages and types of people met, with notable results that inspire field actors and professionals. The team of salaried readers has gradually grown and now numbers more than fifteen professionals.
Read With Me - 1997 IBBY-ASAHI Award Winner
And since the adventure continues more beautiful...
- Meeting with Corinne Dreyfuss, author and illustrator (in particular of Pomme pomme pomme and Caché! at Thierry Magnier editions)
“I am not a children’s literature author. I’ve always been a juggler. » - Rhythms, onomatopoeias and verbal games in the reading of albums with Emmanuel Julien and Rafaële Rudent, readers at Read With Me.
- Meeting with Jeanne Ashbé, author and illustrator, creator of albums for toddlers (in particular “Bon…” and “Ton histoire” at Pastel editions).
“A journey in images and words through the enigmatic lands of babies’ lives. » - Looks of parents with Maureen Vasseur de Read With Me.
- Meeting with Dominique Rateau, president of the Agency when books connect.
“Reading children’s books throughout life…” or “how and why reading children’s books at any age of life would be a necessary art to cultivate the living in us and develop our ability to say I”.