Get trained to share readings
For more than 30 years, training has been at the heart of the Read with me project, in various forms, within projects developed in the Hauts-de-France region and elsewhere.
Sharing readings can be more complex than it first appears.
Read with me has developed over the years training courses with different modules to initiate and deepen the practices of shared reading aloud and to ask oneself: read… why? how ? what ? with who ?
More than 70 training days are provided in the territories each year.

For more than 30 years, training has been at the heart of the Read With Me project, in various forms, within projects developed in the Hauts-de-France region and elsewhere.
Sharing readings can be more complex than it first appears.
Reading aloud differs from reading for oneself, it is a sharing with the other, a reading addressed to a single person, two or three people, or sometimes a whole group.
It is a form of reading that requires preparation, commitment, adjustment, and to which one can train.
Because reading to, reading with others, is not just reading. It means questioning choice of books, reading aloud practice, the bond forged with listeners, whatever their age, and the implementation of a project involving partners.
Read With Me has developed over the years a certain expertise with different training modules to initiate and deepen shared reading aloud practices and to ask oneself: read… why? how ? what ? with who ?
More than 70 days of training are thus provided in the territories each year.
Getting trained in these shared readings is all the more relevant since today, whether you are a baby, child or adult, artistic and cultural awakening and education are finally recognized as essential to well-being and development of each individual.
This is what the French Ministry of Culture reminds us on its website:
« Awareness of cultural and artistic practices – from an early age and even before entering kindergarten – promotes curiosity, construction and development of the child; the initiatives implemented in the territories confirm this; scientific studies confirm it. »

All of this requires thought and observation, research, experience and training.
Training modalities
12 to 15 trainees according to the sessions.
These courses are offered only intra to structures, for their employees, volunteers or welcomed public.
Sessions are for everyone:
- Professionals of all levels and all professional sectors: public reading, early childhood, childhood and youth, education, social, cultural, medico-social, health, integration, prevention, education, animation, mediation…
- Parents,
- Volunteers,
- Students,
- And anyone interested in sharing readings.
We like the mix between audiences (professionals from various sectors, volunteers, parents), which enriches meetings and exchanges, and this mutual knowledge often promotes the development of projects.
We adjust the content and duration of training upstream with concerned structures, taking into account specific needs of client and beneficiaries.
The main training themes are available in “Initiation” (for a first approach), and “Deepening” (to go further…).
The training sessions are organized over 1, 2 or 3 days, consecutive or not.
Duration of a day: 7 hours
The reception and access conditions for people affected by a disability are checked and validated before the training with the client.
If necessary, a direct exchange with each person concerned is organized to see how to take their specific needs into account.
The training sessions are led by the salaried reader-trainers of Read With Me and by associated trainers.
All training is hands-on and participatory.
They are based on Read with me experience in training and in the field.
Depending on the sessions, they include:
- readings and presentations of albums
- theoretical contributions
- practical experiences
- discussion times
- individual, small group or large group work
- sequences
- reading situations
- avenues and resources to review and deepen
On some sessions, a reading situation with an audience can be organized.
Satisfaction assessed at the end of the training.
Following your contact by phone or email, we will respond to you within 3 days.
The training takes place in situ, most often as part of reading projects (library/media library, reception structure, etc.), in the Hauts-de-France region and elsewhere.
Some sessions can be organized in video if necessary.
Base prices: €800 or €1000 (net of VAT) depending on the type of project.
A specific quote is established after discussion with the customer about his training needs.
The North Safeguarding Training Center is a certified professional training organization.
Key figures in 2022
Our proposals
A training project?
Read With Me co-develops tailor-made training programs, with specific content, based on existing internships, themes covered in conferences or working groups, or other identified needs.
Training is also
Read With Me offers support from professionals in the field to promote the reinvestment of knowledge acquired during internships, whether in the form of guidance or tutoring.
The reading interventions, led by the readers-trainers of the team, are also times of transmission, which can be integrated into a training course.
Several forms of awareness are possible: meeting, coffee readings, conference, debate, workshop, reading committee, group of exchanges of practices, thematic working group…
Are you interested?
Consult the
Training catalog (French)
Adjusted programs
and quote on request
Training referent
Veronique Bous
project manager