Libraries and media libraries
Libraries implement the Public Reading policy of the public authorities on which they depend.
Municipal and inter-municipal libraries and media libraries welcome the public.
They constitute and animate quality youth funds, develop mediation policies that can be very committed, particularly towards toddlers and their parents but also audiences far from the written word.
They also offer actions outside the walls, some having been pioneers in this approach.
We work with them for:
- Shared reading time in the library and outside the walls,
- Loans of children’s books to salaried and voluntary readers,
- Reception and organization of training,
- Reading promotion projects and programs,
- Reading committee,
- Conferences and symposiums,
- Bibliographic resources,
- Joint coordination of territorial projects.

Departmental media libraries
The departmental media libraries are at the service of public libraries, especially in municipalities with less than 10,000 inhabitants. They promote access for all to a quality cultural offer.
In Hauts-de-France region, we collaborate with several departmental media libraries for :
- Readings as part of the national operation Partir en livre [Leaving in book]
- Actions in the national program Premières Pages [First Pages], among others:
– Nord Department: participation in the development of Lisons bébé [Let’s read baby] bibliographies
– Pas-de-Calais Department: participation in the selection committee and training for the departmental literary prize Coup de Cœur Tiot Loupiot (favorite for 0-6 year olds) organized by Droit de Cité association and delivered during the Festival Tiot Loupiot, - Loans of books to salaried and voluntary readers,
- Training, field support,
- Reading promotion projects and programs,
- Reading committees,
- Seminars and conferences,
- Bibliographic resources,
- Readings in the context of exhibitions.
The departmental media libraries are at the service of public libraries, especially in municipalities with less than 10,000 inhabitants. They promote access for all to a quality cultural offer.
In Hauts-de-France, we collaborate with several departmental media libraries for:
- Readings as part of the national operation Partir en livre [Leaving in book]
- Actions in the national program Premières Pages [First Pages], among others:
– Nord Department: participation in the development of bibliographies Lisons bébé [Let’s read baby]
– Pas-de-Calais Department: participation in the selection committee and training for the departmental literary prize Coup de Cœur Tiot Loupiot (favorite for 0-6 yr. olds) organized by the association Droit de Cité and delivered during the Festival Tiot Loupiot, - Loans of books to salaried and voluntary readers,
- Training, field support,
- Reading promotion projects and programs,
- Reading committees,
- Seminars and conferences,
- Bibliographic resources,
- Readings in the context of exhibitions.
Independent booksellers
We support independent bookstores.
They combine proximity, professionalism, wealth of choice, support for small publishers, advice and local economy.
We make all our purchases of albums there and our reading committees are made thanks to their loans of new releases. We work with several bookstores in Hauts-de-France, in particular Le Bateau Livre [The “boat book”], a specialized youth bookstore in Lille, a member of the French Librairies Sorcières network.
We host regular reading meetings in several bookstores.

Association of Specialized Youth Bookstores (ASLJ) – Association of Witches Bookstores. A national network that has existed since 1981 on the basis of common values: quality of the book, single price of the book…
With the support of French National Book Center.
For any online purchase, we prefer the website of independent bookstores. It defends and promotes the specificities of these essential players, the quality of their services and advice, as well as the richness of their choice.
With the support of French National Book Center.
More than 70 independent bookstores from Hauts-de-France region grouped together in this regional association which defends their independence, develops collective actions and supports their professionals.
Online purchases possible.
Association of Specialized Youth Bookstores (ASLJ) – Association of Witches Bookstores. A national network that has existed since 1981 on the basis of common values: quality of the book, single price of the book…
With the support of French National Book Center.
For any online purchase, we prefer the website of independent bookstores. It defends and promotes the specificities of these essential players, the quality of their services and advice, as well as the richness of their choice.
With the support of French National Book Center.
More than 70 independent bookstores from Hauts-de-France region grouped together in this regional association which defends their independence, develops collective actions and supports their professionals.
Online purchases possible.