A national network
Read together from birth
The agency when books connect was founded in 2004, at the instigation of the Crédit Mutuel Foundation for Reading, by associations and people from different regions of France, all rich in several years of experience and reflection on the meeting of adults and toddlers under three years old, around children’s books.
Association Law 1901, the Agency when books connect brings together many members: individuals, associations, institutional structures from the world of books, culture, childhood, early childhood, creation, education, care… who put children’s books at the center of their actions and their research.
All defend the need to promote, from an early age and throughout life, a literary experience – and particularly around children’s books – in order to cultivate in each human being his capacity to experience, dream, think, create, speak, read…
Read with me – The Safeguard of the North is a founding member of the Agency. Isabelle Stella, director of Read with me, is currently its vice-president. Juliette Campagne, founder of Read with me and now retired, is an honorary member of its board of directors.
The Agency, a network for
- Promote access to albums, arts, culture from birth,
- Promoting the sharing of literary experiences,
- Questioning our knowledge of reading, early childhood, languages,
- Act and think individually and collectively.
Its main actions
- The animation of its national network and the linking of its members,
- The organization of meetings, study days, conferences and seminars throughout France,
- The development of a website, resource and transmission space accessible to all (including videos of several symposiums and conferences),
- Coordination of publications.
The Alliance for Reading
The Agency when books connect is a founding member of the Alliance for Reading, winner of “Reading, a great national cause” – 2021-2022.